Sunday, August 30, 2009

On the road again

Since this weekend was Jamey's weekend to work, Addison and I took a mini-vacation and went to Monroeville Friday after I got off of work. We arrived pretty late but it was so worth it to be able to wake up Saturday morning and already be there! We had a wonderful breakfast and then played and ran a few errands around town during the 1st part of the day. I always think it's funny to go to Walmart because you KNOW you will see at least 1 person you know. After that we loaded up in Ashlee and Zach's vehicles and went to Little River state park to celebrate Cory's birthday. I haven't been there since I was a child! We used to take family camping trips there and sometimes go to swim and play on the playground. I totally forgot how nasty the water looks and I couldn't believe I actually used to swim in it!! I had to put away my "mom fears" and let Addy get in b/c all she was saying was "I wanna fwim!!" So she did and she LOVED it.....for a little while...then she said "MOMMY, THE ANIMALS ARE GETTING ME!!!" (Talking about the algae!!!) How funny!

For the rest of the time she wanted to "Fwing with grandaddy" That was too sweet.

Ashlee did a great job with the party!

here we are convincing Addy that there were no animals around! lol HI! :)
Addison was really happy to see grandaddy and I was so glad. Sometimes she acts really shy towards him but not this time! I really treasure every moment that they share, I'm so blessed to have him in my life. Addison was also REALLY excited to get to spend time with "sissy" (Ashlee) Addy loves loves loves her!! We also got to see "bebe" (Rhiannon) & Hunter and Zach. Grammy stopped by for a while as well. We all went by Rhi's work to get some ice cream. I'm so super proud of her for doing all she is doing. I can not believe she is a senior in high school. Reality hit when I saw her proofs for her senior pictures. WOW my baby sister is all grown up. Zach is growing up too. I really see more Independence in him now and I'm really proud of the young man he has grown up to be. Ashlee of course is amazing. Nursing school full time, guardianship of a 13 year old and coming home every weekend to maintain another being a great g/f to Joah and an ever so patient bff to me! :) I love my family so much and I thank the Lord above for them every night.

Today was bitter sweet. I always hate the day I have to leave but Addy and I were both excited to get home and see Jamey before he went to work. We woke up this morning kinda late and ate and then just basically packed up and got ready to leave. We said our goodbyes and hit the road. We stopped by my sweet friend Temeshia's house on the way out for just a minute to say hello and goodbye! Next time I come down I have to make time to go see my friends that are still in Monroeville. I just feel like my visits are so short and it's hard to divide time. We made it home about 20 mins before jamey had to leave, thanks to the rain and road construction in Montgomery :( Thank goodness he's off tomorrow and we get to spend some family time together! So now here I am, Addison's asleep, I'm blogging and waiting on Design Star and Kourtney and Khloe' take Miami to come on. I like both shows so we record both and usually I watch k&K tonight and DS tomorrow night with Jamey. I love the Kardashians! Lol... Obviously Jamey doesn' we compromise!

What a great weekend... keeping my fingers crossed for a great week ahead! :)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Family time = happy time

Things have been so crazy at work lately. I'm always so thankful for Friday when I know I get to spend the entire weekend with my sweet girl and hubby! Addison is growing up and changing so much! I'm always anxious to see what she will say next! This weekend was a really fun weekend. Friday night we just relaxed at home and enjoyed our time together! Saturday we cleaned up around the house to get ready for our little get together with Jamey's friends from work. I hear stories about them all the time, but have only met 1 of them so I was pretty excited!

Jamey was excited too...can't you tell? ha ha
Addy and I also had a little photo shoot to pass some time and then she went to stay with Nina and Poppy. She gets so excited when she gets to go to their house!! I'm sure it has nothing to do with ALL of the attention that she gets!?

Popsicle addict already!

She LOVES her birdhouse that her Nina gave her!
Peek-a-bye as Addy says! ha ha I try to tell her it's Peek-a-boo ...but she doens't care!

On Sunday Jamey and I picked Addy up and went to Cracker Barrel to eat! YUMMY! The rest of the day we rested and prepared for the week ahead! :)

On another note: This crazy flu is going around so badly and is scaring me to death! A child in Addy's daycare was diagnosed with a "strand of swine flu" What a phone call to get! Addison has had a pretty bad cough and a little bit of a runny nose, but thank the good lord above she hasn't had any fever. I called her dr today to see if we could get some cough medicine called in for her and they said yes. They are not wanting people to come in unless they are running a fever because of risk of exposing the children to the other sickness. I totally agree and I'm praying that this cough medicine will knock it out for the poor baby!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

These are the days

This weekend has been so nice so far. It's Jamey's weekend to work but he took off last night so we all 3 got to spend some family time together! This past week was very tiring for me for some reason so I was extremely excited for the weekend to be here! Addison did better at daycare a couple of days this week. I hate dropping her off at daycare, but I love the time with her before I do. Thursday and Friday mornings I pulled out of the garage (yes, I finally figured it out..haha) and each day from the backseat I heard "GOOD JOB, MOMMY!" It brought tears to my eyes..I would have never thought she would say that! I say this all the time, but she really is the sweetest child. On the way to "new school" we have to find every stop sign and yield sign and Addy says "octagon and triangle" to every one. We say our ABC's and sometimes we sing a song. Lately, we have to to get on to the sun.. She says "MOMMY!! The sun's hutin' my eyes again!!" and I have to say "Sun, leave Addy's eyes alone!" lol..then she looks out the window until it's gone. It really is a great few minutes. The ride home is equally as interesting. We talk about her day, what she ate, who she played with and so on. The we talk about going home to her "new house" and she tells me where to go! When I get to the last road before our house she says, "turn right, turn right again, turn left!" and she's exactly right! :) Smart and sweet. What more could I ask for?

So, back to today. I had a hair appointment this morning..thank goodness!! It's so relaxing to me, especially that shampoo! The result is great awesome too. I'm so glad Ms. Judy introduced me to Maria. She is awesome! Addy stayed with Ms. Judy and played with the boys while I was gone. I picked her up and we came home and played ALL day long. We watched TV for a while, her new favorite thing and played babies forever! It was just too hot to go outside for too long. At some point I was eating chips and dip and walked out of the room for a few mins to come back to find this...

When I asked what in the world she was doing, I got the most honest answer ..
"MOMMY, I eatin chips!!!!!!" LOL .... love it, love her.

I had to add this... On the way to church this morning she told me this was her funny face... and I asked her who taught her to do that...she said "ME!" ha ha ha

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Well, I figured that it was bound to happen sooner or later... Addy has an injury! Tuesday at daycare Addison fell while playing with her friend Danielle. Her teacher, Mrs. Chantel, said that they were just playing like normal with blocks and next things she knew Addison was on the floor and after she picked her up she kept saying "my arm hurts!!" So for the rest of the day Addy didn't use her right arm for anything!! The assistant director called me while I was on the way to pick her up and told me what happened. After bringing her home and watching her for a while I decided to wait to take her to the dr just to see if her arm got any better. Through the night she cried out several times and I went to her room and she just kept saying "mommy, my arm hurts!" I felt so badly for her!!! Yesterday I worked until noon and then left to take her to the dr. Poor Jamey worked a 12 hour shift and then kept her until I got home with NO sleep!!! We went to see Dr. Soong and they took an x-ray of her arm. She was terrified of course but I finally convinced her that Dr. Soong was really nice, he was her friend, so she said that for the rest of the day! She's so funny!!! They didn't find a break, which we figured, but he said that she probably had a hairline fracture in her wrist because that's where she said it hurt and it was hurting her to twist her arm. So, he put a splint on her arm and said just watch her to make sure she starts using her arm and hand. Last night we went in her room after she was asleep and she had taken the splint off! She calls it her band aid! haha... This morning she went to daycare and was being such a big girl! Mrs. Chantel was so sweet. She called twice yesterday to check on her and it made us feel really good that she was truly concerned. Around 9 am this morning I got a call from daycare. Seeing daycare's number on the caller id has to be one of the worst feelings!! It was Mrs. Chantel saying that Addison took off her "band aid" and wanted to know if she should leave it off or put it back on. I said, well if she's fine just leave it off. Mrs. Chantel then told me that Addison informed her that "my daddy kissed my arm and it's all better!" What a sweet child! I told Jamey that and he was so proud. SOOOO I think we're on the home stretch with the arm injury! She seems fine and is back to her old self again! Here she is with her "band aid, popsicle and sticka" :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Garage door blues....

I wanted to share this too.. just not in that last post. I learned a valuable lesson..the hard way of course! Always practice backing the car out of the driveway BEFORE you are running late for work. OK, as you will see in the picture below Jamey worked on the garage door opener Saturday and got it working! :)

Should be great news, right? NOOOO not for me at 7:00am this morning. I was already running a little late b/c Addy was having a "miss independent" morning and not wanting to let me dress her... or fix her hair... or brush her teeth.. yes.. fun fun. SO as I'm trying to get the car out of the garage (like Jamey did ALL weekend) I have MAJOR problems!!! Jamey's car was parked where I would normally just back into and pull out without a problem. The garbage can was in the way so I moved it. Well after about 7 mins of pulling forward and backing up I tearfully got out of the car and went inside to find Jamey on his way out. I just looked at him and said "I cant do it" By this time, I had managed to wedge the car in between the retaining wall and Jamey's car... it was horrible. Of course.. as soon as he got in it, he was able to straighten it up and pull it out with NO PROBLEMS... I guess I'll put this one in the books for things he's better at than me... it's a really thin book so far may I add! :)

So, tonight I will practice pulling in and out of the garage to save myself from this humility in the future!

Hostess with the mostest! :)

This weekend we had our very 1st house guests! Ashlee, grandaddy and Cory came to visit and stayed Friday night with us. I was able to meet Ashlee on i20 after work and she followed me to daycare to pick up Addison. When we walked in Addy looked really confused but then screamed and ran to "sissy"!!! We went home and of course gave the tour... and Jamey cooked a wonderful dinner for us all to enjoy! Saturday morning we woke up and made breakfast and just hung out for the day. It was so great to be able to share our home with such wonderful family members!! I can't wait for the next visit!!! Yesterday Jamey, Addy and I hung out around the house and RELAXED!!! Gotta love a lazy Sunday!

I'm attempting to get a little creative with the photos!

Addy and me in the car...being silly as usual!

Addy relaxing on the back porch with sissy....

My gorgeous sister and me

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A B C's

I worked late the other night and when I got home Jamey and Addison had something they wanted to show me! Jamey taught Addison all of her ABC's in just a few hours!! He is so great with her and teaches her so many things!! I recorded her singing the ABC song today! (we were eating our popsicles, like we do every day after dont mind the slobber! haha)

Here's my silly but very smart 2 year old baby girl! :)