that seems to be the question for me! I liked blogging for a while & then it felt like it was just so repetitious. I feel like I was just like "blah blah blah, here are so pictures that you've already seen on FB, blah blah blah" Ha ha. A lot has happened since my last post in August so I'll try to do a little catch up blog. Maybe the break will help since the rest of the year should be really interesting!
September was pretty low key for us. Jamey & I both are just working a lot and coming home to our little family. Addison is loving school... she is so smart! She LOVES to sing. She sings about as much as she talks... which is A LOT! But we love sing on sister!
October has been our busiest and most fun month so far! October 4th was Jamey & my 2nd year wedding anniversary! It seems like we have been together forever and honestly it's just getting better every day! Awwww Happy Anniversary Honey!! Love you!
It was also my 28th birthday! We went on a mini-vacay to the Smoky Mountains. It was SUPER gorgeous! We stayed at the beautiful cabin owned by one of my manager's, the name of it is "Dream on a Stream" and it truly was.
November was a great month as well... thanksgiving with our family. We certainly have a lot to be thankful for.
I started this blog in October & I'm finishing it in December... wow Abby!! haha
Monday, December 27, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
All About Addison
Addison and I are sitting here talking, as we do every evening after work & school and I thought we would blog a little about Miss Priss. I know people usually stop doing "look what I can do" updates after you start to consider the child an age in years instead of months... but I think it will be fun! :) SO- here we go... a random blog about addison!
Addison is 3 years old and she weighs 33 pounds! We know b/c we were recently at the dr. Addison stays pretty well now a days... which is good. For a while I was starting to think she couldn't go a month without having a daycare cold or something... In addition to being perfectly petite and blissfully beautiful, Addison is SO SMART. Now instead of hearing "the dog says woof woof" we hear "dog d d dog, dog starts with a d!" WHAT?!! Yes, she sounds out pretty much every other word. It's amazing. She can not only count to 20 in English...she can count to 10 in Spanish! She actually speaks Spanish pretty fluently for a 3 year old. It's really funny and makes me such a sucker for anything -when she asks and says "por favor?" I will gladly give all credit to Dora the Explorer for her entire Spanish vocabulary. I was telling Jamey the other day that I thought it was awesome that "they" promote educational cartoons now to Addison's generation. Maybe that's the "fix" for the economy... bringing up a smart generation instead of "fighters" NOW-- i am NOT trying to get all crazy politic-y in the All About Addison blog- but think about it.. we grew up with cartoons that promoted such violence... not really anything educational at all. I hope and pray that Addison's generation will be able to solve problems with their brains more than their fists.
OK Back to the important subject! :)
Coloing isn't really Addison's thing...she prefers to "marker" instead. We have been very fortunate so far that her "markering" has only been on paper! She also loves her babies!! She is going to be such a great mommy one day... a princess mommy of course. Dress up is always super fun... or barbies! Afternoons in the car her request to me is usually "Mommy, can I text my name?" She knows how to text Addison on my phone and loves it. She can also use Jamey's phone really well...she goes through 3 or 4 screens to find the dice game on his phone!! (she calls it "blocks" lol) Addy is a GREAT singer... She catches on really quickly so she knows the words to a lot of different songs...even some of the ones I listen to! Addison currently loves watching Dora the Explorer, Olivia and her new favorite Team Umizoomi! TU is hilarious because Addison sings along and knows all of the little theme songs for the characters. She told us that "she is Geo, Daddy is Bot and I am Millie. (Google it if you dont have kids) Anyway, sometimes she only refers to us by our Team Umizoomi names so we just play along and sing our respective theme song... it's great fun!
We have had so much fun this summer with Addison. She is such a little fish and loves the water. Speaking of water- she's in there now washing her hands after she used the potty. WOW... it's was so hard to imagine that this day would ever get here, but now it's kind of sad because she really isn't a baby anymore! She confirmed that the other day when telling me on the way to school "Mommy, I'm a big kid now... I can swing really high and BABIES can not swing really high" I said yeah, but your still my baby! She said "no...mommy, I'm NOT a baby" hummmm What is it going to be like when she goes to school? EEK. Addy constantly keeps us on our feet and laughing... She is an absolutely amazing little girl... we are so blessed... Honestly there is no way in the world that we could have a better child! MAYBE she is a little bit spoiled.. .but I will paraphrase her daddy on that subject... we're just going to do what we do and let her husband deal with her one day.... LOOK OUT BOYS!!! :)
Addison is 3 years old and she weighs 33 pounds! We know b/c we were recently at the dr. Addison stays pretty well now a days... which is good. For a while I was starting to think she couldn't go a month without having a daycare cold or something... In addition to being perfectly petite and blissfully beautiful, Addison is SO SMART. Now instead of hearing "the dog says woof woof" we hear "dog d d dog, dog starts with a d!" WHAT?!! Yes, she sounds out pretty much every other word. It's amazing. She can not only count to 20 in English...she can count to 10 in Spanish! She actually speaks Spanish pretty fluently for a 3 year old. It's really funny and makes me such a sucker for anything -when she asks and says "por favor?" I will gladly give all credit to Dora the Explorer for her entire Spanish vocabulary. I was telling Jamey the other day that I thought it was awesome that "they" promote educational cartoons now to Addison's generation. Maybe that's the "fix" for the economy... bringing up a smart generation instead of "fighters" NOW-- i am NOT trying to get all crazy politic-y in the All About Addison blog- but think about it.. we grew up with cartoons that promoted such violence... not really anything educational at all. I hope and pray that Addison's generation will be able to solve problems with their brains more than their fists.
OK Back to the important subject! :)
Coloing isn't really Addison's thing...she prefers to "marker" instead. We have been very fortunate so far that her "markering" has only been on paper! She also loves her babies!! She is going to be such a great mommy one day... a princess mommy of course. Dress up is always super fun... or barbies! Afternoons in the car her request to me is usually "Mommy, can I text my name?" She knows how to text Addison on my phone and loves it. She can also use Jamey's phone really well...she goes through 3 or 4 screens to find the dice game on his phone!! (she calls it "blocks" lol) Addy is a GREAT singer... She catches on really quickly so she knows the words to a lot of different songs...even some of the ones I listen to! Addison currently loves watching Dora the Explorer, Olivia and her new favorite Team Umizoomi! TU is hilarious because Addison sings along and knows all of the little theme songs for the characters. She told us that "she is Geo, Daddy is Bot and I am Millie. (Google it if you dont have kids) Anyway, sometimes she only refers to us by our Team Umizoomi names so we just play along and sing our respective theme song... it's great fun!
We have had so much fun this summer with Addison. She is such a little fish and loves the water. Speaking of water- she's in there now washing her hands after she used the potty. WOW... it's was so hard to imagine that this day would ever get here, but now it's kind of sad because she really isn't a baby anymore! She confirmed that the other day when telling me on the way to school "Mommy, I'm a big kid now... I can swing really high and BABIES can not swing really high" I said yeah, but your still my baby! She said "no...mommy, I'm NOT a baby" hummmm What is it going to be like when she goes to school? EEK. Addy constantly keeps us on our feet and laughing... She is an absolutely amazing little girl... we are so blessed... Honestly there is no way in the world that we could have a better child! MAYBE she is a little bit spoiled.. .but I will paraphrase her daddy on that subject... we're just going to do what we do and let her husband deal with her one day.... LOOK OUT BOYS!!! :)
The shirt says it all!!
This little princess folds clothes... in heels!!
Such a big girl!! Ready for school!
So sweet....
Even when she pouts! :)
Love this laugh!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
New Mommy Mobile!
Is it bad that I had to look at pictures before I started writing this blog... so I could remember what all we did since the last time wrote? HA! I didn't forget about the car, for sure! We ended up trading Max Monday for a Volvo S40. I went back and forth about trading because I really like the Maxima but in the end, it really made more sense to trade. I bought it from Tommie has sold me every car that I've bought execpt for one.. so I'm glad they bought a dealership in Clanton. And yes... if you were wondering, the car already has a name. :) Addison named it "glowy" Anyway... Addison and I have had some interesting times already in Glowy. Sister has had the opportunity to ride with us... strapped in her carseat OF COURSE!
Update: It's been so long since I started this draft that Addison has renamed the car! Ruby is now the name. i guess this car is Max's sister?
Friday, July 30, 2010
Hopkins' family home videos
Check out this HILARIOUS little girl! Gosh, I love her so! :)
Definitely a musican's child... Almost Famous??
Th song (Airplanes) came on the radio today while we were in the car and I hear her singing along with this part, so I had to film it! This is the funniest thing. Not to mention, additonal proof that she is ALWAYS listening...
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
snazzy, jazzy new page
Ok it's really not all that jazzy! And it's pretty off centered but I love the pink and LOVE LOVE LOVE that picture. It's from Sherry's wedding. The amazing photographers were the Robinson's with The other pictures are just as great...I have no clue how Sherry picked! Anyway, maybe I will soon figure out how to center the banner... or maybe not. I like living a little to the left anyway! :)
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Does it get any sweeter than this??
Addison endured a long day of car wheeling and dealing with mommy today (more on that later) just because I promised her that we would go see Lucy afterwards. As we were leaving she HAD to buckle sister in her car seat of course, and after she was in Addy says "oh no sister, dont cry!" I asked what was wrong with sister and she told me that sister didn't want to go see Max! (Max is the maxima.. haha.. Lynard is daddy's truck.. crazy I know) I left the Maxima at the dealership while I test drove our new car and we were going back to finalize paperwork today. Well to make sister stop crying Addison started singing Twinkle Twinkle. I can't believe it but I actually had time to grab my camera and catch it! She just started talking and it got better and better!
p.s. NO I am not driving and filming... we were in the driveway :)
p.s. NO I am not driving and filming... we were in the driveway :)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Happy Birthday JMH!
This weekend we celebrated Jamey's 32nd birthday! Jamey, Addison and I rented a hotel room for the night at the same place that the Hill family was staying to celebrate their youngest son's birthday. It's something that they do every year and seemed to be a brilliant idea. It almost felt like we were really on vacation, but the drive wasn't nearly as bad! Saturday Addison and Jamey played in the pool ALL DAY! I took advantage of daddy being the playmate and laid in the chair and girl talked with Renee! :) Sunday morning we got up and ate breakfast at the hotel and got ready to go back home. Addison was so funny at breakfast... amazed at all of the different food choices! HA We had a really good weekend, Monday came WAY too fast.
Poor thing was worn out after all of the swimming and playing!
This is what she was wearing for Jamey's birthday dinner... thank goodness we ended up going to Jamey's parents instead of out somewhere! POOF!
Daddy's girl!
7:11 on 7/11 :)
Jamey and I also went antique shopping! I found this cute wicker bench ($10 plus spray paint!!!!) that was PERFECT for our back porch. Addison LOVES it and it goes great with our new plants that grandaddy gave us!
Jamey's find ... a fork. He loves it so....
Yeah.... it is H-O-T!
Wells Fargo, this is Addison!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Let Freedom Ring!
I heard the Martina McBride song (Independence Day) the other day and now every time I think about 4th of July, it pops into my head!! We had such a wonderful extended weekend celebrating the freedom we possess thanks to many, many wonderfully brave men and women. This year I had a totally different feeling when celebrating Independence day. Jamey and I have been watching the History channel a lot lately and apparently I really was dazed and confused in high school because I just did not remember all of these things! I tell Jamey time and again that he needs to go back to school and become a teacher because he makes history and science so interesting to me and that's definitely a huge accomplishment! The last show that we watched was about Saddam Hussein and all of the horrible things that he did to people had done to people. Jamey then reminded me that, this kind of thing still happens in a lot of places as hard as it is to imagine (well it is to me at least) So, even though we may not like certain things that go on in our country or people in charge at all times, we should thank GOD that we are AMERICANS and we are free!
SOOO on to the festivities! We found out that week that our mom's mom (mamaw) was put in the hospital in Mobile with unexplainable "masses" and bleeding... so Friday, Addison and I set off - Mobile bound. This was our longest road trip yet, not to mention a "Potty Trained Road Trip". I was a little nervous but we packed plenty of fun and everything red, white and blue that Addy owned and hit the road. I could not have asked for a better little travel partner. The whole 5 hours down was just perfect! We only stopped once in Greenville for her to potty so I was super impressed! We got to the hospital and visited with mamaw for a little while and then headed to Ashlee's apartment where we stayed the night. It was really fun having a girls night w/sissy! The next day we headed to Monroeville to spend some time with the fam from LA. We ended up staying until Monday so I could take Addison to watch the fireworks. She and I went and had the best time!! She has never really watched fireworks b/c she's usually asleep by the time they start so I was really excited to take her. We oohhhed and ahhhhed for a while and then went back to Granddaddy's to stay the night... we were really ready to wake up early and get back to see daddy! here are some of the many highlights of our trip!
5 hour road trip... sleeping baby=happy mommy!
cutie pie... hanging out at Sissy's!
Talking to her dog cousin GUS
Sweet girls!
Just talking to grandaddy!
Heading out to find that watermelon!!
Mommy- look over here!!
FOUND IT! The 1st watemelon of the year from grandaddy's garden!
Addison LOVES swimming!
Mommy and Addison watching fireworks!
You know we had to take advantage of the swingset!
Helping grandaddy shell peas after the fireworks show
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Happy Father's Day Daddy!!
I wanted to write a separate blog for Father's day. It was really hectic this year because Addy's party was the same weekend AND Jamey had to work, but we still want to give the best daddy ever, all of the praise that he deserves. Addison has the best daddy that she could ever ask for. He is her "best friend" and yes I quote because that is exactly what she says! She loves him more than ANYTHING!! He is so good with her and teaches her SO MUCH! I give him credit for teaching her pretty much everything that she knows. He works really hard at a place that is ever so undesirable, puts up with her mommy (:P) and works so hard around the house (in and out) every minute that he can.. not to mention still finds time to hit the gym.. workin on his fitness (and it pays off..he's a hottie!!) So, there we have it... I am one lucky girl! All in one man I have: A wonderful, patient, providing husband; a fantastic daddy for my precious daughter; and a hot & dreamy gardener/maintenance man... did I mention he can play the guitar????? Man.. Life is good!!! :)
I know we dont say thank you enough... so THANK YOU JAMEY- from the bottom of my heart...for everything that you do. Addison and I love you very, very much!


*** I must admit that I got a little teary eyed after uploading these pictures!***
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Addison is 3 years old!!
Boy oh boy did she have a "birthday week!" The week started off with us taking a trip to Noccalula Falls. It was SO much fun and we hope to go back was only 30 minutes away, so it's a very doable day trip. Then Sunday night Addy started getting really sick. We went to the dr Monday and she had...strep throat, again!! I could not believe it, but I was SO thankful that we caught it so early. She was finally able to go to school on Wednesday, coincidentally the same day she started getting presents in the mail!! FUN FUN! Friday June 18th, Addison, Jamey and I celebrated 3 wondeful years together!! She has really had a great birthday!! We had a party for her yesterday and boy was it exciting. Mandy and Tina were so sweet and made the best cupcakes I have ever had for the cake and the general theme was a garden party! We were all decorating our hearts out and here it comes, the darkest clouds and the strongest wind. Everything that we just put out was blowing away! Down came the rain shortly after and so, trying not to panic, we made the decision to just bring everything inside and have the party! We didn't get to do everything we had planned but I think it ended up being great. All of the kids played so well together and were all so excited to see each other! Thank you to Mandy, Tina, Ms. Lou, Ashlee and especially my sweet husband for putting up with - can't make a decision, yet OCD, Abby during planning and execution.. it turned out perfectly! Thank you everyone involved for making this such a special time for Addison!! The weekend ended with another treat of Ashlee and granddaddy staying with us. It was nice being able to be with grandaddy on Father's day. It was a work weekend for Jamey, but we were able to spend a good bit of time with him too.
one sleepy 3 year old!
She was having a blast getting presents in the mail!
Jamey loves this one as much as Addy! (Lincoln Logs..thanks Amy!)

Garden party decor!

one sleepy 3 year old!
Garden party decor!
Sweet, Sweet, Sweet!
Presents Galore!
Loving on her best friend Lucy!
hanging out...
sissy taught us how to plant a flower today!
and now she's a pro!
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