Boy oh boy did she have a "birthday week!" The week started off with us taking a trip to Noccalula Falls. It was SO much fun and we hope to go back was only 30 minutes away, so it's a very doable day trip. Then Sunday night Addy started getting really sick. We went to the dr Monday and she had...strep throat, again!! I could not believe it, but I was SO thankful that we caught it so early. She was finally able to go to school on Wednesday, coincidentally the same day she started getting presents in the mail!! FUN FUN! Friday June 18th, Addison, Jamey and I celebrated 3 wondeful years together!! She has really had a great birthday!! We had a party for her yesterday and boy was it exciting. Mandy and Tina were so sweet and made the best cupcakes I have ever had for the cake and the general theme was a garden party! We were all decorating our hearts out and here it comes, the darkest clouds and the strongest wind. Everything that we just put out was blowing away! Down came the rain shortly after and so, trying not to panic, we made the decision to just bring everything inside and have the party! We didn't get to do everything we had planned but I think it ended up being great. All of the kids played so well together and were all so excited to see each other! Thank you to Mandy, Tina, Ms. Lou, Ashlee and especially my sweet husband for putting up with - can't make a decision, yet OCD, Abby during planning and execution.. it turned out perfectly! Thank you everyone involved for making this such a special time for Addison!! The weekend ended with another treat of Ashlee and granddaddy staying with us. It was nice being able to be with grandaddy on Father's day. It was a work weekend for Jamey, but we were able to spend a good bit of time with him too.
one sleepy 3 year old!
She was having a blast getting presents in the mail!
Jamey loves this one as much as Addy! (Lincoln Logs..thanks Amy!)

Garden party decor!

one sleepy 3 year old!
Garden party decor!
Sweet, Sweet, Sweet!
Presents Galore!
Loving on her best friend Lucy!
hanging out...
sissy taught us how to plant a flower today!
and now she's a pro!
Looove this post :) I had the best weekend with yall! Can't wait to come back asap! Love yall!!