Tuesday, August 3, 2010

New Mommy Mobile!

Is it bad that I had to look at pictures before I started writing this blog... so I could remember what all we did since the last time wrote? HA!     I didn't forget about the car, for sure!   We ended up trading Max Monday for a Volvo S40.  I went back and forth about trading because I really like the Maxima but in the end, it really made more sense to trade.  I bought it from http://www.baughfordmercury.com/  Tommie has sold me every car that I've bought execpt for one.. so I'm glad they bought a dealership in Clanton.  And yes... if you were wondering, the car already has a name. :)     Addison named it "glowy" Anyway...  Addison and I have had some interesting times already in Glowy.   Sister has had the opportunity to ride with us... strapped in her carseat OF COURSE!

Update: It's been so long since I started this draft that Addison has renamed the car!  Ruby is now the name.  i guess this car is Max's sister?

1 comment:

  1. Girl - I LOVE it! Ruby? HAS to be Max's big sister - even though Max was bigger....hmmmm... these kids, I tell you, come up with the funniest things! Maybe you should ask Addison to explain her logic here.... when I ask Lucy what her reasoning or logic is all about - the answers just get better than the original statements that she made.
