I heard the Martina McBride song (Independence Day) the other day and now every time I think about 4th of July, it pops into my head!! We had such a wonderful extended weekend celebrating the freedom we possess thanks to many, many wonderfully brave men and women. This year I had a totally different feeling when celebrating Independence day. Jamey and I have been watching the History channel a lot lately and apparently I really was dazed and confused in high school because I just did not remember all of these things! I tell Jamey time and again that he needs to go back to school and become a teacher because he makes history and science so interesting to me and that's definitely a huge accomplishment! The last show that we watched was about Saddam Hussein and all of the horrible things that he did to people had done to people. Jamey then reminded me that, this kind of thing still happens in a lot of places as hard as it is to imagine (well it is to me at least) So, even though we may not like certain things that go on in our country or people in charge at all times, we should thank GOD that we are AMERICANS and we are free!
SOOO on to the festivities! We found out that week that our mom's mom (mamaw) was put in the hospital in Mobile with unexplainable "masses" and bleeding... so Friday, Addison and I set off - Mobile bound. This was our longest road trip yet, not to mention a "Potty Trained Road Trip". I was a little nervous but we packed plenty of fun and everything red, white and blue that Addy owned and hit the road. I could not have asked for a better little travel partner. The whole 5 hours down was just perfect! We only stopped once in Greenville for her to potty so I was super impressed! We got to the hospital and visited with mamaw for a little while and then headed to Ashlee's apartment where we stayed the night. It was really fun having a girls night w/sissy! The next day we headed to Monroeville to spend some time with the fam from LA. We ended up staying until Monday so I could take Addison to watch the fireworks. She and I went and had the best time!! She has never really watched fireworks b/c she's usually asleep by the time they start so I was really excited to take her. We oohhhed and ahhhhed for a while and then went back to Granddaddy's to stay the night... we were really ready to wake up early and get back to see daddy! here are some of the many highlights of our trip!
5 hour road trip... sleeping baby=happy mommy!
cutie pie... hanging out at Sissy's!

Talking to her dog cousin GUS
Sweet girls!
Just talking to grandaddy!
Heading out to find that watermelon!!
Mommy- look over here!!
FOUND IT! The 1st watemelon of the year from grandaddy's garden!
Addison LOVES swimming!
Mommy and Addison watching fireworks!
You know we had to take advantage of the swingset!
Helping grandaddy shell peas after the fireworks show