What in the world could I blog about with the title above, you may ask!? Well this weekend I witness my little girl go from one end of the spectrum to the complete opposite end. Miss Addison Reese Hopkins was in her 1st beauty pageant! The Pell City Band Boosters had a Valentine's pageant to raise money for their band and Mandy, Shaunda, Jess and I decided that it would be fun to let the girls enter the pageant this year! I talked it over with Jamey of course and he said he was fine with entering her as long as it did not turn into the "toddlers and tiaras" kind of thing. I'm pretty sure that's every daddy's worst nightmare! I assured him that it would not be that way for us. We ended up borrowing a beautiful dress from Mia and Jaime Ramer and Addison stayed true to her sweet self. The week before the pageant was crazy! It was snowing we had registration, I was sick... UGH! Addison and I did a couple of walk throughs in our living room but that was about it. Mr. Jimmy and Mrs. Judy came over one night to visit and we tried to get her to practice but she became a "ragdoll" and wouldn't do anything. I thought for sure that this was never going to work. Saturday finally arrived and most of the family was in town for the big show!! I was a nervous wreck, mind you that it has been almost 10 years since I have graced a stage! haha. Before going out, I kept telling her over and over, "just smile REALLY big and hold mommy's hand and you will be fine. Addison and I walked on stage and it was like she was in the zone more than any of us could have ever imagined! She was a natural! I couldn't really tell exactly what she was doing but when I saw the pictures I was amazed. She really smiled and looked at the judges the whole time! She did her walk and then we went out for the group judging. Addy was such an angel the whole time we were there.... and she did not have a nap that day! They finally decided to do the "crowning" and I did not know what to expect. She clapped for all of the winners and then they called out the queen "Addison Hopkins!" We were all SOOO excited. They gave her the trophy, flowers and her crown and she held them up like "look what I have!" It was so funny. I'm so glad that we ended up doing the pageant, because we had such a good time. I'm not sure that we will do any others, but this one was definitely fun. The rest of the weekend was spent trying to recover and relax. Jamey spent a lot of time outside with her since it was such nice weather. This brings us to the "dirt hills". The empty lot next to our house has HUGE hills of dirt that are left from building all of our houses. Jamey and Addison decided it would be fun to climb these huge hills and I had to see this for myself! Addy is so brave and willing to try whatever and she did it! She climbed right up all of those steep hills by herself. I didn't have my camera at the time but I'm going to try to capture this on film soon!