Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009

We had such a great Christmas this year! Addison is now old enough to really get into everything and it was so fun. She was so animated with each gift and just in general. We of course had a somewhat unconventional Christmas. We went to Jamey's parent's house Tuesday night and had a wonderful dinner and exchanged gifts there. Jamey had to work Wednesday and Thursday nights so Addison and I decided to go ahead and go down to Monroeville and spend a little time with our family there. We were really sad that daddy wouldn't be with us but were very excited to be able to spend time with our other loved ones. We ate and exchanged gifts several times and tried to squeeze in as much time with everyone as possible. I was so proud of Addy for being such a good girl the whole trip. Luckily we had a few people and gifts to keep her occupied for a while! Friday morning Addison and I left to come home to see daddy. We were SO ready to get home and see him. Santa came to our house Friday night and Addy woke up to a huge surprise this morning. Nina and Poppy came over to see what Santa brought her and we had a wonderful breakfast. It was a great memory for our 1st Christmas in our new home! Santa brought Addison a pink car for Christmas this year. He had to leave her a note to explain where to find it. He left a rope that went down the stairs, through the basement and led to her car. She was so funny when she finally realized what exactly was going on!!! The rest of the day we played, played, played and played. I am so glad we all are so blessed and had a wonderful week!!!


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas pictures!

A few pictures we took for Christmas this year!

Christmas fun begins!

Of course decorating for Christmas is a fun part of the festivities, but my favorite part is spending time with great friends and family! Last night Addy and I went to a "girls night out ornament swap" at Mandy and Lucy's house. We met a lot of new friends and had a blast! Mandy and Lucy are 2 of the sweetest girls we know and I was so glad we were able to spend time with them. Today Addy and I went shopping and we now have everyone taken care of except .... ADDISON! Althought, she did get her "blue bear" today. It's the only thing she consistently talks about. She saw me with it and had a fit so I told her Santa gave it to me to give to her. Oh well! Lol I'm hoping to get her finished up tomorrow. I know shopping is supposed to be fun, but it stresses me out!! I just wish I could give someone money and get them to buy everything for me! lol. I'm looking forward to working 2 days this week and celebrating Christmas with my family! I hope to get to see some friends over the week as well.

Addison's ornament from mommy and daddy
Love you Addyboo! Kallie, Addison and Lucy!
These girls had a BLAST playing all night!
Opening the gifts! Caleb was the only boy!


My super cute ornament that I won fair and square! ha ha (dirty santa)

Friday, December 18, 2009

A lot of info ... a little time!

Ok, So I'm such a blogging slacker these days!! We have done so much and I have so much to share but I just can't make time to sit and type and upload! Sissy *ashlee* came to visit last weekend and that was OH SO FUN!! We had a total girls weekend even though daddy was there, he was a good sport. We took lots of pictures, went shopping, sang songs (mostly rap ha ha) and even made a commercial! Here is a glance into one of the best weekends we've had in a while!

I can't believe Christmas is in 1 week! Another thing that I've been such a slacker about is shopping!! I honestly have bought 2 gifts.. oh my. I really have to hit the roads running this weekend. We did go looking last night to get an idea of the things we wanted to get for Addison and we bought a cute little ornament for our tree for Addy. Here she is proudly displaying her "first ORMANENT" lol. How cute is she????? GAH!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


This past Saturday Addison had her 1st real hair cut! I say "real" because we have cut it a little at home but this time Addy went with me to Maria's and she cut it for us! I went 1st and by the time that it was Addison's turn she was ready to get it done. She sat there like such a big girl and was so sweet. Afterwards she told everyone "Ms. Maria did snip, snip, snip" and messed her hair up. It was too funny.

I was so thankful that we did end up getting to go because I definitely needed a hair makeover! haha... Maria always does such a great job, I'm so glad Mrs. Judy introduced me to her!

I thought for a while that we weren't going to get to go because.... it SNOWED! So, along with her 1st haircut, Addison got to experience her 1st snow in our new house! It didn't stick long and the funny thing is that our house probably got the least amount of snow in the whole neighborhood! She was mesmerized by everything going on.

Addy has been full of life surprising us every day, as usual. Last night we were sitting on the couch, reading a Dora book and she started saying "uno, dos, tres," Jamey and I looked at each other like "WHAT?" So, apparently Dora has really paid off.. she counted to 5 in Spanish and we had no idea she could! She has been a REAL daddy's girl lately. I think it's so cute. But I guess along with being a daddy's girl comes being "not a mommy's girl" :( Another night this week she was sitting on the couch and said "DADDY!! Come here and sit here" Pointing beside her on the couch. He went in there and sat beside her and I followed. I started to sit down and she said "NO MOMMY... (Pointed to the kitchen and said) YOU GO COOK!" O-M-G! It was sad but so funny.

We are SO excited about Christmas and are counting down the days. Addy finally told us what she wants Santa to bring her, besides a blue bear...... a red car and a computer!!! OK She's 2! She told me that I could drive her "Grey car" and she gets a red car like daddy's. Everytime I refer to the Maxima as "my car" she is very quick to correct me and say "No mommy, you not have a car, this is my car" Boy oh boy... the good times ahead

She's just so darn cute.....

Addy and mommy!

Thursday, December 3, 2009