The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there....

This Christmas is SUPER exciting for us at the Hopkins' residence!! This is our very 1st family Christmas in our very own home!!! We started decorating a little early because we couldn't wait! We have put snowflakes in just about every place that we can! I know Jamey is so excited that it's getting colder outside so he can see real snowflakes... me not so much!
Addison and Daddy putting the angel on our "Christmas Treat"


LOVE IT! Not bad for our 1st time! :) Addison says "look at our
christmas treat, but
dont touch!!"
HAHA I think she's still stuck on
halloween (trick or treat) If only
santa could just bring candy, right? :)

Speaking of Santa, Addy is still a little unsure of what the whole "Santa" thing really means. She has found out that
santa brings toys.. so we're in for it! I keep asking her "What do you want Santa to bring you? She says "toys!!" I say, "what kind of toys?" She says "A blue bear!"
ok, a blue bear? Done. I'm thinking it's because she ran across a "Pink bear" (that she ever so cleverly named, Pink Bear) and that's her new #2
BFF -2
nd to Tyrone of course. So, this year should be really interesting when it's time for presents!
Well, we used the potty at school this week!! YAY! See below- her prize! (M&M's) I arrived to pick her up one day and she started crying b/c she thought she wasn't going to get her prize from Ms. Amanda (Tootsie Roll) Little did she know mommy had another prize at home!
She also went #2 in the potty at home this week!! Double YAY! I'm hoping very soon we will not ever have to buy diapers again!

I had to get a snapshot of this. Addison always has to go show daddy her outfits in the mornings that he's still sleeping from working! Of course... she always gives him a sweet bye bye kiss~

Cutie Pie!

My little DIVA! She had to have rollers in her hair too!

Addy and mommy loving the fall view from our freshly stained deck! Good Job daddy!!!
OOOOK! The story of the week: This is our new baby "
sarah kate". Yes, the same name as her new cousin. I thought that this may be a little weird.. but then I remember that she's only 2 and since Andrew, Luke, Ben and Nathan have a new Sarah Kate..why can't she? She loves her new (not exactly new...but brought out from the toy box) baby. She has this hilarious voice when she makes her babies "talk". In the picture below she was making Sarah Kate say

Please watch this video more than once so you will get the full effect. I laughed forever at this! I love this child so much!!!