Chastity, Karson, Addison and me at the parade

Mommy and Addy!

Addison and Lucy- so excited to see each other!

Addison and Lucy- so excited to see each other!
We are LOVING this weather!! I know it will not be long before the really really cold weather comes, so we're trying to spend as much time outside as possible. This weekend was a roller coaster of events! Friday when I picked Addison up from school, her temperature was 101.5!!! I took her home and started giving her motrin and that kept the fever down. All through the night she was restless and just didn't feel well. Saturday morning I checked her temp again and it was 102! I immediately called the dr and took her in. As we arrived she started acting like she felt a little better but I assumed it was the motrin. She tested negative for all flu's and had nothing else that the dr could find so of course he said "it's a virus and it will run its course".... ugh. I'm always glad to hear she doesn't have anything else, but it's so frustrating to hear that there's nothing you can do! While at the dr's office all she kept saying was "I wanna go bye bye!!!", then she said something that I couldn't quite understand. After asking her to repeat it several times, I figured out that she was saying "I wanna get a "hallowing" costume" LOL. So we went to a few stores before going home. We did end up buying a costume and she looks adorable in it!! This was the 1st year that she could pick out what she wanted so I was excited! Thankfully there was no more fever for the rest of the weekend!! I can't believe how quickly this fever started and stopped... Thank you Lord! Since Addison was feeling 100% better on Sunday, we decided to go to the pumpkin patch!! I really dont think I have ever seen her so excited! This was the cutest, sweetest thing ever!!! I took tons of pictures (of course) and I took a few videos so Jamey and everyone else could share the experience! Addy was a big hit with everyone there and loved every minute of it!!
On the way to the pumpkin patch... She was so excited!! Ok and maybe she had a little sugar rush going on.. ha ha
OH NO!!! This was HILARIOUS!! After she found her pumpkin, she was a little disturbed because she "broke the banana!" HA HA... You can hear her saying "go away be-nana!" How funny? Well, her pumpkin turned out just fine...without it's banana! I just didn't have the heart to tell her it was just the stem.
Little Artist!
Taking a "grapico" break! Poppy will love this! :)
Proudly displaying Addy's 1st pumpkin!