Addison has a new BFF.... Tyrone from the Backyardigans!! Jamey gave him to her yesterday as a prize for being such a big girl in school this week!! Every morning at school, she has WALKED in by herself and started playing with the other children and did not shed a tear!! This was a HUGE step for us! Since starting her "new school" we have had a really hard time in the mornings when I drop her off. She would cling to me and cry and it broke my heart!!! We are so proud of Miss Addison for being such a big girl! Here she is with her friend Tyrone on the way to school. She put him up to the window the whole way and showed him everything. She said "look Tyrone, TRIANGLE, OCTAGON, etc" Then she proceded to tell him that she was a big girl and he was a big boy and there was no crying at school!!! HA HA She is hilarious!

(notice she has my "yipstick" as well... she has to put it on after I do in the
We have also made a decision to make another huge step in her life....time to take away the paci... UH OH!!! Well we said our goal is by October to be paci free!!! (we'll see if we make it) Jamey and I decided that we wouldn't take it away all together, but to only let her have it when she sleeps....and then not at all. Yesterday was our 1st day trying this system. She whined a little but for the most part was ok! At bedtime we could really tell she missed her paci and it made me a little sad. This morning when she woke up, I took the paci and put it in her bag and she didn't ask for it again!!! She went into school and was fine! Speaking of school, I felt like the worst mother today! I totally forgot that today was picture day. The 1st day that I actually didn't put a bow in her hair!!! AND she's wearing probably the most casual thing that she owns!! haha .. go figure! I tried to justify this today on my way to work thinking, well last time it was picture day at Victory I dressed her SO cute and she wouldn't even take the picture!! SO, when I picked her up from school today I asked her if she took pictures today and her teacher said "YES! She did great...she sat and smiled so pretty!" I can not believe it!! Oh well...she doesn't have very many casual pictures!
UPDATE: I decided after talking with Ashlee and a few gals from work that it might not be good to give her the paci only at bed time. SO I figured I would be brave and try putting her to bed... with NO PACI! Ok, she's been in bed for about an hour and has cried out once for it. I am super nervous because she has asked for it all afternoon and I've just tried to distract her so I feel like this might not work. I just told her that she is a big girl now and we gave her paci's to the babies and that they are gone bye bye. She said, "I need my paci" with a sad voice... ughhh!! I have to be strong!! haha I'll update after the weekend! Fingers crossed!!!