Friday, July 31, 2009

A few rooms down!

So, we finally have a few rooms decorated in our house. The rest are coming together slowly but surely! I wanted to share a few pictures as we go. I call our style "natural chic" :) We really love neutral, soothing, beautiful colors. We have these colors in all of our rooms so far except for Addy's. We want her room to be the most colorful, happiest little girl's room that it can be! We are setting up a daybed in her room but not transitioning her from the other bed just yet. We do not want to overwhelm her with too much change all at once.'s what we have so far!

Addy's/guest bathroom:

Master bathroom:


so peaceful....

SO, that's it for now... much more to come soon! :)

Thursday, July 30, 2009


So, the oh-so-fun phrase has finally shown it's face in our lives... "why mommy?" As cute as it was the 1st few times she said it..I can see where it could get old! Sometimes it's hard to believe that Addison has JUST turned 2. It seems like she acts much older than what she is.

Mommy-"addy, we can't put milk in Monkey Jo's cup" Addison-"Why, MOMMY??"

Yes, Addison's baby's name is Monkey Jo. She has the silliest names for her babies and I'm always curious to know what she will come up with next! She has had the BEST time playing with all of her toys and babies in her new room. She has been SUPER since we moved in. This past weekend she slept until 9:30 one morning and I woke her up at 10:00 the next!!! NO KIDDING!!! I guess she is just peaceful in her new room and I am so glad. The house is coming along pretty well. I'll have more pictures soon of the decorated rooms! This is Addy doing a silly face with her baby ...I think her name is just baby.

Oh- I wanted to add these too..I'm so excited that her hair is FINALLY long enough to do cute things we put pig tails in all the time and I love them!! I'm trying to convince her that she loves them too! haha.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Easy, Breezy Beautiful..cover girl!

I was on the phone today trying to get Home Depot straightened out so we can get our appliances... and much to my surprise Addison was having a make up party right behind me!! She's not one of those kids who's usually into something if she's quiet so I would have never thought that was what was going on! I turned around to find my sweet faced little girl like this!

I started to panic thinking of all the things that could have happened... putting out an eye with mascara, drawing all over the furniture with lipstick and so on.. but then I had to just sit and laugh, and call Ashlee! We then went to wash off her face and that broke her heart! She wanted her make up on! She quickly got over it and moved on to something else! Going back a day... yesterday Addy had a play date with her BFF Lucy! Mandy, Lucy's mom, SO kindly offered to let her come play while I packed.. What a blessing! I can't wait to see pictures of the girls together! They are so cute!! On the way to meet Lucy and Mandy, I looked in the rear view mirror to say something to Addison and saw the funniest thing...
I looked through my pictures to see if I had one to put with this one.. but I couldn't find it.. The funny thing is that Jamey puts his sunglasses on his shirts like she's done.. except her's was DOWN her shirt! HA HA... just made me laugh and realize children REALLY DO pick up on the smallest things! Now.. off to more packing! Fun fun fun! :)

Friday, July 17, 2009

Here's to a new beginning!

I figured with all of the new things going on in our lives, I might as well start a blog!

Jamey and I have come such a long way in a very short time. I am amazed everyday at our wonderful life and I am always so anxious for the next day!! As stressful as my job can be at times, I'm so grateful that I've been given this wonderful opportunity! It has really become a passion and I am really starting to love it. (ask me next week and I could have a different answer! ha) So, as of yesterday we are home owners!! I can hardly believe it, it was really heaven sent! Things ended up working out so perfectly! We are in a lease at our apartment through the end of August so we are just going to try to take our time moving so it can be as stress free as possible. (Yeah right!) Since Jamey works every other weekend, he will be working this weekend so hopefully we'll start moving some things in next week. The house is beautiful, it's more than I ever imagined that I would own and I'm so thankful! I can't wait to start this new chapter in our lives and for Addison to grow up there and have so many great memories!