Saturday, December 26, 2009
Merry Christmas 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Christmas fun begins!
Addison's ornament from mommy and daddy
My super cute ornament that I won fair and square! ha ha (dirty santa)
Friday, December 18, 2009
A lot of info ... a little time!

I can't believe Christmas is in 1 week! Another thing that I've been such a slacker about is shopping!! I honestly have bought 2 gifts.. oh my. I really have to hit the roads running this weekend. We did go looking last night to get an idea of the things we wanted to get for Addison and we bought a cute little ornament for our tree for Addy. Here she is proudly displaying her "first ORMANENT" lol. How cute is she????? GAH!!!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Addy has been full of life surprising us every day, as usual. Last night we were sitting on the couch, reading a Dora book and she started saying "uno, dos, tres," Jamey and I looked at each other like "WHAT?" So, apparently Dora has really paid off.. she counted to 5 in Spanish and we had no idea she could! She has been a REAL daddy's girl lately. I think it's so cute. But I guess along with being a daddy's girl comes being "not a mommy's girl" :( Another night this week she was sitting on the couch and said "DADDY!! Come here and sit here" Pointing beside her on the couch. He went in there and sat beside her and I followed. I started to sit down and she said "NO MOMMY... (Pointed to the kitchen and said) YOU GO COOK!" O-M-G! It was sad but so funny.
We are SO excited about Christmas and are counting down the days. Addy finally told us what she wants Santa to bring her, besides a blue bear...... a red car and a computer!!! OK She's 2! She told me that I could drive her "Grey car" and she gets a red car like daddy's. Everytime I refer to the Maxima as "my car" she is very quick to correct me and say "No mommy, you not have a car, this is my car" Boy oh boy... the good times ahead
She's just so darn cute.....
Addy and mommy!

Thursday, December 3, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
photo by addison:
Andrew, Nathan, Luke, Addison, Ben and Sarah kate in the front
Monday, November 23, 2009
Oh Christmas Tree!

This Christmas is SUPER exciting for us at the Hopkins' residence!! This is our very 1st family Christmas in our very own home!!! We started decorating a little early because we couldn't wait! We have put snowflakes in just about every place that we can! I know Jamey is so excited that it's getting colder outside so he can see real snowflakes... me not so much!

LOVE IT! Not bad for our 1st time! :) Addison says "look at our christmas treat, but dont touch!!" HAHA I think she's still stuck on halloween (trick or treat) If only santa could just bring candy, right? :)

Speaking of Santa, Addy is still a little unsure of what the whole "Santa" thing really means. She has found out that santa brings toys.. so we're in for it! I keep asking her "What do you want Santa to bring you? She says "toys!!" I say, "what kind of toys?" She says "A blue bear!" umm. ok, a blue bear? Done. I'm thinking it's because she ran across a "Pink bear" (that she ever so cleverly named, Pink Bear) and that's her new #2 BFF -2nd to Tyrone of course. So, this year should be really interesting when it's time for presents!
Well, we used the potty at school this week!! YAY! See below- her prize! (M&M's) I arrived to pick her up one day and she started crying b/c she thought she wasn't going to get her prize from Ms. Amanda (Tootsie Roll) Little did she know mommy had another prize at home!

OOOOK! The story of the week: This is our new baby "sarah kate". Yes, the same name as her new cousin. I thought that this may be a little weird.. but then I remember that she's only 2 and since Andrew, Luke, Ben and Nathan have a new Sarah Kate..why can't she? She loves her new (not exactly new...but brought out from the toy box) baby. She has this hilarious voice when she makes her babies "talk". In the picture below she was making Sarah Kate say CHHEEESE!!!

Friday, November 20, 2009
I love you through and through...
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

One morning on the way to school she said "mommy, I wanna look" and I was a little confused of what she wanted. I looked back and she was putting on her lip gloss and wanted to see my mirror... So, I gave her my mirror and here's how that played out..
Speaking of school... Addison really really loves her school. She knows everyone there! It's so funny when we get there and when we leave she tells everyone hey and bye and she knows who's parents are who! One day she told me that "Mrs. Chantel *teacher* was going to the dr to see if her baby was a girl or boy" I was surprised that she would say that but I kind of forgot about it b/c I thought she was just talking. Sure enough the next day they told me Mrs. Chantel found out the day before she was having a girl!! WHAT? so funny. She seems to have a lot of friends at school. Her favorite girl friend is "danielle-y" and her favorite boy friend is "Stephen". Stephen has already pushed another little boy down b/c that little boy pushed Addison!! UH OH!!!!!

dancing stars!

Determined to get that buckled!

Helping daddy stain the deck!

Daddy's girl

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Just Buzzin' along
Spiderman AKA: Luke Bumble Bee AKA: Addison
Addy with the candy bucket!
After trick or treating for a while, Addy decided to "man the candy bucket" at her cousin's house. Every time the doorbell rang she was one of the 1st ones to the door. All of the kids were so funny and excited to help. We ate dinner there and after tons and tons of candy, we went home and crashed! Sunday Addy and I got up and ran last minute errands to get ready for Amy and Laney's baby shower. A great group of girls came to our house and we had a lovely baby shower for Amy. I think it was a great turn out. I can't wait for little Laney to get here!!!
Addy and Amy at the baby shower. (addy refused to look at me lol)
some of the gifts for baby Laney!
Addison with her new friends Chloe and Kiley

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Homecoming, parade and parties ...oh my!!

Chastity, Karson, Addison and me at the parade

Mommy and Addy!

Addison and Lucy- so excited to see each other!